bandit publishing introduces your future industry leaders to e-stem. WE HAVE INVENTED & BEEN PIONEERING THIS NEXT GENERATION TECH. ACADEMIC GENRE SINCE 2008. we have the technology! we can rebuild all of them! THIS IS THE FUTURE OF STEM & THEIR FUTURE IS NOW!
Our Mission Is To STOP The Drop Out Crisis & Close The Technology Divide For Black & Brown Students Worldwide
The children of the top 1% that attend Ivy League schools are told, “No matter how much money a company offers to pay you, DO NOT TAKE THE JOB UNLESS, you have plans to disrupt the industry that it is in. Black & Latino students have no idea disruption even exist although they are ADDICTED to internet disruptors like TikTok & Instagram on their cell phones!Schools have ZERO answer for them. The ONLY way to beat them is to DISRUPT THEM!
Disruptive Innovations are like ATOMIC BOMBS 99.9999% of the time invented by engineers . They turn engineers into billioniares & trillionaires & are FEARED by CEO’s worldwide. They KILL Fortune 500 companies and entire industries the like. INTERNET DISRUPTORS like Instagram are institutions of AT RISK BEHAVIOR influencing students to DROP OUT & become influencers or WORSE, strippers on ONLYFANS. The only way to deprogram the vice like mental grip they currently have on your students is to teach them what disruptors are & how to turn them into multi billion dollar publicly traded Unicorn companies on the NASDAQ. Teaching our children to compete with disruptors instead of being blind hypnotized customers as they are today is our solution to the lack of business ownership in our communities & the drop out crisis. These disruptors are an unfortunate reality for every industry so this is NOT JUST FOR THE ENGINEERING STUDENTS! Right now the rappers & entertainers have confused & lied to young people for so long that the ONLY way to refocus their efforts on academics is TELL THEM THE TRUTH as to who the billionaires really are, which are WITHOUT QUESTION these disruption minded engineers by leaps & bounds.
If you’re just now for the first time hearing about disruptive innovations & unicorn companies it means that what I am saying is being done to your students has also been done to you & me. But if you still have DOUBT that out of no place a small firm can discover such a large conspiracy that could have such a profound impact on the African American & Latino community, it is my hope that this short video & this simple diagram puts your mind at ease. After that my question to you is NOW, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT???
After the Civil War & reconstruction was underway it become apparent that the common folks of this NEW AMERICA needed to be educated just enough to operate the large machines that were now to replace FREE SLAVE LABOR. J. P. Morgan & Mr. Rockefeller engineered the Department of Education to do this & ensure they would NEVER create competition for themselves. This plan worked FLAWLESSLY!! Their offspring now mean to take technology & eliminate the working class competition once & for all using disruptors like the ones below.. THE FORMULA is the infamous HIDDEN CURRICULUM OF EDUCATION and it couldn’t have become available to the masses at a more desperate time!!!
Disruptors like Artificial Intelligence & Robotics combined are being developed by companies like INVIDIA valued @ $4 TRILLION dollars with a specific agenda to replace & eliminate black & Latino people from the US workforce once & for all.
Disruptors like BITCION will financially incarcerate black & Latin people to the point they will have no-place to find economic safety. The jobs your students are currently working hard to acquire with their education will be whipped out NEVER to return.
Many economist who have studied the black experience in America & compared it to the experience of the Jews, Italians & Chinese have come to the conclusion that teaching black children entrepreneurship is not only what they in 2025 & are BEGGING their schools for, but is a CIVIL RIGHT due to systematic racism that in 2025 care of PROJECT 2025 is too obvious to ignore. Mixing design engineering with entrepreneurship to make disruptors & unicorns & calling them “MONEY MACHINES” is just a lethal mixture that is also timely when you see how Ivy League technology entrepreneurs who have successfully made both are now running the United States government & have turned the US into what some call, TECHNOFEUDALISM. As far as Bandit Publishing is concerned, THIS SOMETHING THE BLACK COMMUNITY MUST DO IN 2025 TO SURVIVE as the current administration is waging a TECHNOLOGY WAR against us! FACT: For every 1% unemployment rises, 40 thousand people die. If you’re on this website, THESE VIDEOS EXPLAIN HOW I FOUND YOU..
our services
We Have A Variety of Service Options To Meet The Needs Of ALL Academic Institutions Big Or Small
Mr. Powell will come to your college campus and speak to your students about becoming a disruptor & creating a unicorn company inside their particular area of study. These two technological phenomenon are the most powerful & lucrative technologies in the world turning those small group of Ivy League engineers into billionaires & trillionaires. 98% of the world has no idea they even exist. We are the ONLY TechEd firm in America teaching students what they are & how to make them.
Bandit Publishing comes into schools from elementary to high school & excites students by telling them they are going to learn to make a “MONEY MACHINE?” Students don’t realize they are learning to make a technology firm that could land them on the NASDAQ rich beyond their wildest dreams. They learn the fundamentals of engineering, marketing & financial investment. The class becomes an INCUBATOR which is what every Fortune 500 technology firm today grew up in before it became a worldwide household name.
Thanks to BANDIT PUBLISHING the secret invisible curriculum of the top 1% has now been exposed to the masses! As a summer camp or an after school program THE FORMULA is presented to students as “THE SHARK TANK FOR ENGINEERS. Every lesson students learn are originated from the book that acts as the curriculum’s anchor. A sample audio chapter of THE FORMULA is below.
Thanks to BANDIT PUBLISHING the secret invisible curriculum of the top 1% has now been exposed to the masses! As a summer camp or an after school program THE FORMULA is presented to students as “THE SHARK TANK FOR ENGINEERS. Every lesson students learn are originated from the book that acts as the curriculum’s anchor. A sample audio chapter of THE FORMULA is below.
The persistent failure of black & Latino students being DEAD LAST in the technology race for 70+ years & counting is a cycle of a lack of information. 90+% of the engineering teachers I have met with in the pubic schools who are in charge of STEM programs or CTE engineering departments admitted to me that they never HEARD OF A DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION prior to our conversation and they themselves DROPPED OUT of their undergraduate engineering programs for the exact reason I outline in my program’s thesis as the root cause of this systemic technological failure. They go from admission to animosity as they realize that somehow, against the odds, I made it through to the other end. This purposeful omission was done to them and without knowing, they do it to your students so it never ends. Many of their students cry to me secretly as they want to drop out as well but don’t due to fear of their parents disapproval. Many of my engineering classmates at Northeastern graduated and left the field to work in industries far less secretive. With AI set to destroy the black & Latino community in the next (5) years, without action NOW, WE COULD FIND OURSELVES SO FAR BEHIND WE CAN NEVER CATCH UP.The time to break this cycle is NOW!
Much of the problem & confusion is, black & Latino children do not know the difference between MODEL BEHAVIOR vs AT RISK BEHAVIOR. In fact, these INTERNET DISRUPTORS (Instagram) are teaching your students that AT-RISK behavior is MODEL behavior, confusing them completely and instigating them to neglect their studies and get into serious trouble. Because THE FORMULA is by definition a socio-economic-behavioral-model we can talk them through how behavior can make your MONEY MACHINE go fast with model behavior & dead slow with at-risk behavior. This is a TRUE story of how model behavior landed me in Monte Carlo’s French Rivera the wealthiest place in the world. Stories like these are part of my performance when I am in front of the students, just less the profanity..
The good news is now ALL colleges can look forward to the large hundred million dollar endowments from alumni the Ivy League colleges are and have been so accustomed to getting from those student that successfully create disruptors & unicorn companies. In 2024 it was reported that 80 US colleges are at risk of closure due to lack of enrollment while applications at Ivy League universities TRIPLED. The word is out & people see the top tech CEO’s ALL ATTENDED Ivy League schools so this sways their choices. With this approach, in the true spirit of disruption, we can give what was only designed for the wealthy — TO THE MASSES!
THE AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM — Whether we are in a daytime E-STEM laboratory or an after school program the content and the goal is the same; which is turning the school into an incubator/accelerator where students perfect their product offerings, marketing strategies & their ability to articulate their “VALUE PROPOSITIONS” to customers & potential investors. With their corporate level understanding of value, we can teach students to write & perform a SuperBowl TV commercial in a single class lecture. Here is a demonstration of what we can teach your students to do. They are performing the commercial for a product they invented to ensure their parents water bill isn’t too high..
THE FORMULA SUMMER CAMP — Here you see a team of high school athletes and their team working in a “THINK TANK/INCUBATOR”” capacity using the (4) tools of THE FORMULA to perfect their product as well as their marketing / GO TO MARKET strategy. IF a school maintains this level of CORPORATE EXCITEMENT in these young students up and through their entry to college, by the time they arrive on a college campus, they will be LASER focused on their studies and dropping out of school before they have successfully created a UNICORN will be the furthest thing from their mind!! The challenge is getting the public school on board in a meaningful way..
“A wise man once told me, Bintell, it is far more important as far as TRUST is concerned, for people to understand WHY you are doing something as to opposed to WHAT you are trying to do. So, here is the story of the two people I owe my education to in addition to my mother. Hopefully they are watching.” Bintell Powell
Leading psychologist say, “People perform BEST in life when they have MODELS of behavior to imitate IN THEIR OWN LIVES THAT PRODUCE SUCCESS.” Because THE FORMULA IS essentially a socio-economic-behavioral-model we can teach students to jump in and out of ALL GENRES of engineering to create disruptive technology in ALL industries while at the same time addressing the many forms of RISK WHICH IS THE #1 ENEMY OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP! This risk includes study habits that lead to students failing and essentially dropping out. Our philosophy is, how can your students avoid AT-RISK behavior if they have no clear understanding of what risk actually is? Your institution gets engaged focused students & your students get what they want MOST – A MONEY MACHINE!In this life humanity has (2) tools to protect itself from RISK; being MODELS & FORMULAS. The more models & formulas, the more VALUABLE the education. In this class/lecture series, we supply our students with BOTH!
Bintell Powell is the CEO & Founder of Bandit Publishing. Born to Jamaican parents who migrated to America in 1968, he attended Northeastern University to study Electrical Engineering upon graduation from high school..Mr. Powell speaks about the BETRAYAL of Northeastern University teaching him engineering while at the same time BLINDING him to the most powerful & lucrative aspect of being an engineer. “Had I know about disruptive technology in college I would have made COMPLETELY different choices in my life?”
Anxious to make good for his poor working class family, he played Jazz guitar with the amazing musicians whoattended Berkley School of Music. Living in these two worlds, by day as a Sales Engineer for the companies below, & in the entertainment industry by night, is where Mr. Powell made this shocking discover leading to this breakthrough innovation in education designed to catapult black & Latino students to the very top of every & any industry in the world.
The End of The Drop Out Crisis
THE E-STEM LABORATORY — Here you can see the students demonstrating their ability to IDENTIFY a problem in society, ENGINEER a solution & PRESENT that solution orally as a team in the C-SUITE. Students are able to clearly demonstrate their understanding & ability to execute & articulate the (4) hemispheres of technology which many working adults in the technology sector today have no idea exists. These young students have the ability to do this based solely on the information in ACT III of THE FORMULA. If we want kids to stay in school and COMPLETE their education we have to give them a FAR more compelling argument than simply getting a job. Getting a job has gotten their parents close to no-place & they see this clearly. The allure of MAKING a company is EXACTLY what they desire most and this will keep them in school as long as everything they learn translates back to MAKING MONEY!!!This is THE FORMULA’S VALUE PROPOSITION TO YOUR SCHOOL.. It”s entrepreneurship using SIMPLIFIED engineering tools to make a company. Now EVERYONE can get out of college what they really want — MONEY!
Robotics vs. E-STEM
(4) Giant Tech. Steps To the NASDAQ
about us
Founded in 2008 Bandit Publishing is committed to providing ALL students the same level of technology education as the children of the top 1%.
We are committed to putting black & Latino students on a path to corporate technology OWNERSHIP & a place on the NASDAQ.
Instead of testing & torturing students on the elements of technology in no particular order, rhyme or reason that makes sense, so they eventually DROP OUT confused & demoralized, exactly what CEO’s want terrified they grow to become their competitors, we teach our students how to put all the math, logic & modeling into an assembly and make the HOLY GRAIL of all technology internationally, the DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION & the UNICORN COMPANY. We don”t even tell them initially they are learning engineering. That will scare them away never to return. To engage 100% of them we tell them we are going to teach them to make a MONEY MACHINE! This causes a stampede into the classroom. We teach them how to create the disruptor & then turn it into a unicorn which means they learn all the engineering, marketing, & finance needed to be the next Steven Jobs, Bill Gates & Elon Musk all rolled into one. Once students find out the rappers & athletes secretly look up to these disruptive engineers like GODS, they will walk through an academic brick wall as long as everything we teach them leads back to what they really want more than anything else; the reason they came to college in the first place — MONEY! Because Angel Investors give these engineers millions of dollars to start their companies while playing GOLF, we teach them how to play.
Because the black & Latino community is in such a desperate state I am FORCED to go on the offensive and engage in ATTACK MARKETING to expose why my competitors are completely ineffective and why THE FORMULA is the ONLY logical course to put our students on track to success before it is TOO LATE!
By mixing DESIGN engineering with entrepreneurship (E-STEM) in the direction of DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGY we can engage 100% of black & Latino students & slingshot them to the top of the global technology landscape in the space of 1-3 years.
Robotics, CODING & AI are & have been INEFFECTIVE in engaging black & Latino students in technology in a meaningful way as they are currently so far behind in the GLOBAL technology race scheduled to consumer EVERY INDUSTRY in the world economy. The bad news is black & Latin kids are so far behind in the technology space, they are practically invisible.
Put a serious dent in the drop out crisis in America if not ending it once and for all.
Your students within 1-3 years will be on a relentless path to disrupt their fields of study & take their corporations in a C-Suite capacity to the land of IPO where they will become multi millionaires & billionaires in a single day. This is the ONLY way Ivy League colleges are able to live off of alumni donations in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
our skills
Disruptive Engineering
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
Marketing & Advertising
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Value Based Investing
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Venture Capital Acquisition
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Value Engineering
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Unicorn & Pivoting
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Business Model Design
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This is a GLIMPSE into the theory of E-STEM and how students use MODELING to turn their inventions into UNICORN companies that will land them on the NASDAQ via a process known as the IPO (Initial Public Offering. When Mr. Powell shows up to lecture in colleges he is dressed in proper business attire
Once black & Latino students realize the disruption OBSESSED engineers that attend Ivy League schools are the real billionaires & the rappers are LYING to and misleading them, they settle into academics & do anything we tell them to including & NOT LIMITED TO not dropping out of school!